Sunday, September 9, 2012

Year 3-4 Big Day Out @ Action Sports

Our Big Day Out on Thursday the 13th September is a sports competition at Action Sports. The children will compete in mixed teams at soccer, touch, netball, dodge ball and cricket. The children will be placed in 'country' teams and rotate through all the activities. 

Room 13,17 and 19 will leave school at 9:20am for a 10:00am start at Action Sport. Our competition will finish at 11:00am and we will be back at school by 11:45am.

Thank you so much to all the parents who have offered to help as managers and referees. We are very lucky to have such great support in Room 19, without you this activity would not have been possible.

What to wear/bring: Comfortable clothes (mufti suitable for playing sport in)
                                   Sports shoes (no sandals, pumps or crocs)
                                   A drink bottle with WATER in it
                                   Teamsmanship / manaakitanga

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