Saturday, January 26, 2013

Welcome to 2013 in Room 19

I hope everyone has been enjoying their holidays and will have lots of experiences to share when we start back on Monday the 4th of February.

There are a couple of things you might like to start collecting for us;

  • clean, empty tin cans with the lids and labels removed - baked beans or tinned fruit sizes are perfect
  • clean newspapers
  • flattened, empty Weetbix/Cornflakes packets - or others of similar size and card thickness
  • a photo of yourself as a baby in a named envelope please (these will be displayed for a couple of weeks then returned)

It was lovely to see Amelia, Alannah and Noah when they popped into the classroom this week and I am looking forward to seeing all your smiling faces again. We are going to have a great year together!

Mrs D & Sid

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