Friday, October 19, 2012

Money questions

We have been looking at money from other countries. Niamh B brought in some coins from Ireland. They had some interesting engravings on them.

Fynn brought in some coins from Australia.

We noticed that the 50 cent coin from Australia had 12 straight sides. We know that a shape with 5 sides is a pentagon, and a shape with 8 sides is an octagon - but what is a 2D shape with 12 equal, straight sides called??? Lachie and Luca earned a Money Jar Guess by finding out last night.

Click on the link below and see if you can figure it out too. There is also a quiz at the end for you to try.

We found out that the Austraian 50 cent coin is the third largest in the world being used. Check out this site if you want to find out some more about this coin.

I wonder what other shapes coins come in? Niamh M is wondering what is the biggest and what is the smallest coin? Time for some more research.

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