Saturday, April 28, 2012

T2W2 Thinking Challenge

Term 2 Week 1 Update

It has been a very busy week to start off the term. We have been looking at Dr Seuss books this week, started learning some Invasion Games, took part in a very moving assembly to mark ANZAC day and still managed to get some art done with Mrs Brown. Here are some photos taken by Niamh B during our art session.


Next time I want to ...

- do more leaf prints (Jada-Lee)
- do more baking for maths (Chloe)
- finish my maths questions (Charlotte)
- try more printmaking (Nicole)
- get faster at my work (Swastik)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Term1 Week 9 Assembly

Belated congratulations to the recipients of the Room 19 certificates at our last assembly.

Niamh M: Heart of Achievement - awesome effort and attitude towards your learning Niamh.
Swastik:  Achievement Certificate - keep up the great effort in reading Swastik.
Jordyn:  Values Certificate  - you have shown wonderful examples of Maanakitaniga Jordyn.

Keep up the great work everybody.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Term 2 Week 1

Term 2 Week 1 Newsletter 

Welcome to Term 2 in Room 19. I hope you had a great holiday and are ready for the busy term ahead. Here is what we have coming up.

We will be starting off our reading programme by looking at the books by Dr Seuss. We would love to see as many Dr Seuss books in the classroom as possible. If you have some at home that you are able to bring to school to share – please make sure they are named.  Check out the link below  or click on the Delicious link at the side of this page for more information, games and activities about Dr Seuss' books. Our writing this term be focused on instructions and narrative writing using imaginative settings, interesting characters and captivating plots. Dr Seuss will feature here too.

In maths we will be looking at measurement and numeracy. Numeracy will continue to be the main focus and measurement will be our Strand focus. In the first week we will be recapping on m, cm and mm and then moving onto volume, mass and temperature with Mrs Brown . 

Inquiry Learning - Save The World
Our Inquiry learning for the first part of the term will be about developing a garden area to enrich our school environment. At the end of the term we will be beginning our next inquiry cycle around the Olympic Games.

The Arts
We will be continuing with the Year 3 & 4 choir for a couple of more weeks then moving onto an Arts Interchange programme. Mrs Brown has some great art ideas for you for Fridays which I can’t wait to see displayed in our classroom. These link to our environmental focus and will start with printmaking.

 I hope you have been getting in lots of exercise over the holidays because the School Cross Country Race is in Week 3! We will be doing daily training for this so make sure you wear good shoes for running in every day. 

Can you help?
There are a number of items listed below that we would love to have to support the learning this term. Please have a search around and see what you can come up with.

Dr Seuss Books (named)
Assorted plastic containers
Clean newspapers
Magazines suitable for collage (particularly gardening, outdoors, sporting content)
Empty cereal boxes (Weetbix cornflakes packets etc are a perfect size)
Clean flat bottomed polystyrene trays (Coupland Savoury trays are great!)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Creme That Egg!

Got heaps of Easter Eggs from the Easter Bunny?

Got some time on your hands?

Want to build and smash something?

Are you ready for a challenge?

Check out the link below and see what you can come up with to end with the smashing of a creme egg. Email me some video, movie clips or photographs. Best contraption wins a prize (no it's not an Easter Egg!)