Friday, January 27, 2012

First Day Back

The holidays are flying past and I am looking forward to seeing you all soon. I hope you are keeping up with your reading and getting finding time for relaxing. If it is a rainy day, check out some of the maths and literacy links at the side of this blog.

When you arrive at the classroom, please hang your bag and hat up on a hook in the cloakroom and come in and say hello. When you have located your desk please bring in your school equipment and put it tidily into your desk.

On the first day we will be starting with a pōwhiri and then spend time getting to know each other and the classroom routines. To make this easier, please ensure that you have all the items listed on the Year 3 Stationery List sent home last year. You will also need a pencil case, your Reading Bag and your pen drive  - the one you used last year will be fine and some have already been passed onto me. You will be using your own equipment rather than working from a class set and are responsible for looking after your own things. Making sure your name is on every piece of equipment, and your uniform, will be a big help to you and everyone else.

Below is a list of the subjects and books to help you with the labeling. If you choose to cover your books, please make sure your name and the subject are clearly visible.

1H5        Maths - Strand
1H5        Maths - Numeracy
1I5         Writing
1I5         Handwriting
1I5         Topic
1I5         Reading & Word Exploration
1A5       Poetry
1A4       Workbook
1B4       Homework

Enjoy the last weeks of the holidays.

Mrs D.